The Global Analog Bank of Nature and Humankind 
The conceptual aim of the global analog bank is to intersect the typologies of a de-extinction museum, a repository,  a volt and  a bank. Similar to that of a bank, these typologies represent modes of exchange where the artefacts being traded hold value beyond the monetary to provide hope for species and cultural revival in the event of a mass global extinction.  The spatial planning provides a balance of public and private amenity, focused on preservation and protection through secure storage, research and observation of milks, scents and digital storage devices.
The GAB provides hope of species and cultural revival in the event of a mass global  extinction.  Becoming a highly valuable cultural and political design, which encourages engagement with the natural and digital components of our world. The spatial design focuses on preserving and protecting the diversity of the world through the secure storage, research and observation of milks, scents and digital storage devices. Inspired by the Global seed vault located in Svalbard, Norway, institutional banks, the Musee perfume in Paris, as well as the James Bond sets by Ken Adams, the Cern Data centre in Hungary and the Smithsonian museums’ milk repository. These typologies represent a mode of exchange, similar to that of a bank, where the artefact being traded is valued in more than just a monetary sense. 
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